Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 6.36.30 AMGather ‘round for the chance to win the romantic page-turner, RETURN TO ME, by Carolyn Menke! The winner receives the novel, a $30 AMAZON gift card, a filigree-patterned compact by DECORATIVE DESIGN WORKS, and an enameled box bursting with SECRET GOODIES – the incredible Day 5 prize package that’s part of Kathleen Shoop’s 12 Days of Christmas contest. 

Click here to enter the sweepstakes now to win for yourself or gift your prize pack to your dearest friend! You can use the AMAZON gift card to hand-select a special holiday gift for yourself or a loved-one. A gorgeous compact will add a bit of timeless luxury to your modern-day purse. Take a moment from the craziness of planning and wrapping and running around and enjoy the TREASURE-FILLED box of surprises. Share the contest on Facebook to earn extra entries and you can enter once a day!

RETURN TO ME is a fabulous read. Menke presents dynamic, likeable characters. Their tangled lives suck the reader right into the book, right back in time to World War II. Heroics, secrets, longing, loss, and hope all meld to keep the plot tight and compelling until the very end. 

I want to thank my very generous (and best-selling, award-winning author!!) Kathleen Shoop for making this all possible. Check out her many wonderful books on Amazon.

Happy holidays !